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This is a reminder to our clients and friends that the BE-10 Benchmark Survey of US Direct Investment Abroad needs to be filed by June 30, 2015 for new filers. This survey is made once every five years and the survey calculates data from US direct investment abroad. It is now required to be completed whether or not the BEA has contacted you to complete the survey. It applies not only to businesses but also to individuals provided that there is a reporting obligation. A reporting obligation exists if a US person that had a direct or indirect ownership or control of at least 10 percent of the voting stock of an incorporated foreign business enterprise or an equivalent interest in an unincorporated foreign business enterprise at any time during its 2014 fiscal year. Penalties may be applied if you were required to file but you failed to do so. You may request an additional two-month extension by June 30, 2015. We have provided a FAQ on this form below to assist you in determining whether you have a filing obligation and, if not already filed, on how you may request an extension to file. 

While BE-10 applies to US individual residents and US companies, a similar Benchmark Survey, BE- 13, may require certain foreign persons investing in the US to file similar reports.